I loved this book. This book came to me via recommendation from
another blogger. I was not sure about
the book at first when I read the intro, a black girl who is taught white people
are the devil, meets white guy who is a bum on the street and they fall in
love. So I was really like, 'ok let’s see
how this book ends and hope it entertains me in the process'. Well yes it did! I was pleasantly surprised
on how the chapters were so developed and you could get a real since of who
they are and their back story. The story
was not so typical, but was very real and I laughed and cried at points of the
Funny J
“Why did that nurse call me Mrs. Cracker?”
“Oh yeah that. You’re my wife, Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to
site here and keep an eye on you” He paused in his chewing to giver a long
look. “And since you named me Mr. Cracker, it’s your name, too.”
If you do not get the joke in this, you will when you read this
book; I was dying laughing. There were
also times that made me feel a little mushy over things when this was said.
Tears of Sadness statement:
“Troy you have choice here. I can take you to the hospital.
They’ll stitch you up, give you a shot of antibiotics, and ask for a police
report.” Here he gave Troy a pointed look. “.. and then send you on your
way. Or I can take you to a church I
know. They help guys that are down on their luck. They have doctor on board
that will look you over real good then they’ll give you a meal ticket and a
place in one of their boarding houses to sleep. Once you are feeling better
they will help you get on your feet.” He was driving as he talked. The low
humming voices coming across the police radio made a perfect backdrop to
Kelly’s deep baritone. “Which will it be, son?”
You have got read the book to know what the above is talking about.
This book takes you on a nice ride in life; it is rich in charter
development and understanding on real accounts on real situations people deal
with day to day. It is a love story that
you would never put together otherwise, but very entertaining and
meaningful. If you want learn something
new and expand your reading horizon this is the book for you. This an adult read
with sexual content and some racial slurs.
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