“Walking Disaster” Book #2 by Jamie McGuire
Before I start my review, please look below for book one. Spoiler Alert if you have not read "Beautiful Disaster".
I was honored to receive a copy of this book before the release date in exchange for my honest review. I became a fan of the first book a year ago and could hardly wait for this book to come out - Travis’s point of view.
While reading the first book, I would ask and wonder, other than fighting with his brothers how and why was Travis so good at fighting so hard, why did he love so hard, why did he keep a hold of Abby in the way that he did? What led him to notice Abby and her persona out of the crowd, and what made him call Abby ‘Pigeon’?
“I decided long time ago I would feed on the vultures until a dove came along”
Next question is: what did he do the weeks after he and Abby broke up?
Well, all those questions and many more are answered. What I liked most about the story, I got to get the inside scoop on his perspective, his thoughts on things, which were way off from what Abby’s thoughts were. I enjoyed reading about the close relationship he had with his mother, brothers, and father. Oh! - yes, in the beginning of the book you get to read about his relationship with his mother and how that impacted his life; it was so sweet it made my jaw hurt trying not to weep. I was surprised to read how much his brothers and father were involved in his life decisions.
“What do you think mom would think? She would say you did good son”
I saved the best part of what I loved about the book for last. The EPILOGUE, (happy dance ;-)) I will not give it away but the author gives you a glimpse of what I hope will be included in the sequels that will be about Travis’s brother Trent, and Thomas’ story. You will never guess where she takes you until you read this book.
For now I would like to say Happy Belated B-day to Travis. I didn’t forget your b-day, I was thinking about you on your b-day and can’t wait to read more about you soon. ;-)
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